[Alexander Hamilton U.S. Custom House.]
["Europe" sculpture at the Alexander Hamilton U.S. Custom House.]
["America" statue and Custom and Culture sign in front of Alexander Hamilton U.S. Custom House.]
["Europe", part of "The Four Continents" sculpture at the Alexander Hamilton U.S. Custom House.]
[Looking north on Whitehall Street toward 1 Battery Park Plaza and the Alexander Hamilton U.S. Custom House.]
[U.S. Customs House.]
Perspective, U.S. Custom House.
U.S. Custom House, New York.
Bowling Green. New York U.S. Custom House, entrance.
U. S. Custom House, New York
Bowling Green. New York U.S. Custom House, dome.
New U. S. Custom House, New York.
U. S. Custom House, N. Y. City.
U. S. Custom House, New York City
Bowling Green. U.S. Custom House, watercolor rendering by Ira W. Hoover.