[Phebe's and Beston Bar on the Bowery.]
[Bowery and 4th Street.]
[St. Mark's-in-the-Bowery.]
[Cylindrical fire escape on the façade of 62 East 4th Street.]
[The Bowery Savings Bank, 130 Bowery.]
[North side of East 4th Street between Bowery and Lafayette Street.]
[East side of Bowery between Houston and East 1st Streets.]
[Looking north on Bowery from Grand Street.]
[Bowery Savings Bank, 110 East 42nd Street.]
[66 East 4th Street.]
[Ukrainian businesses and organizations on Second Avenue at the intersection of 9th Street.]
[Storefronts on East Broadway between Catherine and Market Streets.]
[Aschenbroedel Verein, 74 East 4th Street.]
[Bowery and Grand Street.]