[St. Michael's Russian Catholic Byzantine Church, 266 Mulberry Street.]
[St. Michael's Chapel, 266 Mulberry Street.]
[361 Broadway, originally the James S. White Building.]
[Mr. Stephen Jumel's tomb in old St. Patrick's Churchyard.]
[Greenwich and Harrison Streets.]
[411 Lafayette Street.]
[Judson Memorial Baptist Church.]
[St. Patrick's Old Cathedral, 260-264 Mulberry Street.]
[Packer Collegiate Institute Middle School.]
Prince Street - Mott to Mulberry Sts. [Park Row to Prince Street]
[Hotel Mercer, 99 Prince Street, across the street from Fanelli Cafe.]
[St. Ann's Church, 120 East 12th Street.]
[Staple Street, showing footbridge between old House of Relief and ambulance annex of the New York Hospital.]
[St. Patrick's Cathedral.]
[Duane Street between Hudson and Greenwich Streets.]
[New York Mercantile Exchange, 2-6 Harrison Street.]