["Europe" sculpture at the Alexander Hamilton U.S. Custom House.]
["Europe", part of "The Four Continents" sculpture at the Alexander Hamilton U.S. Custom House.]
[Alexander Hamilton U.S. Custom House.]
[Looking north on Whitehall Street toward 1 Battery Park Plaza and the Alexander Hamilton U.S. Custom House.]
[U.S. Customs House.]
Perspective, U.S. Custom House.
U.S. Custom House, New York.
[The statue "Europe" and the Washington Building.]
["The Four Continents" sculpture with 2 Broadway in the background.]
Bowling Green. New York U.S. Custom House, dome.
[Model of ceiling of rotunda, U.S. Customs House.]
Bowling Green. U.S. Custom House, watercolor rendering by Ira W. Hoover.
Bowling Green. New York U.S. Custom House, general exterior from N.W.
["Manhattan" granite statue on the Eastern Parkway façade of the Brooklyn Museum.]
U. S. Custom House, New York.