[Looking north on Hudson Street from Vandam Street.]
[Charles and Bleecker Streets.]
[White Horse Tavern, 567 Hudson Street.]
[Hudson and Barrow Streets.]
[Duane Street between Hudson and Greenwich Streets.]
[Spring Street and West Broadway.]
[Trattoria da Alfredo, 581 Hudson Street.]
[Looking at Duane Park and the Schepp Building from the corner of Hudson and Duane Streets.]
[Looking northeast toward the intersection of Ninth Avenue, Hudson Street, and West 14th Street.]
[157 Spring Street.]
[174-178 Grand Street.]
[Broadway and Bond Street.]
[Brown Derby Restaurant, 60 Hudson Street.]
[61, 59 and 57 Morton Street.]
[Central Park West and 86th Street.]
[Old St. Patrick's Convent and Girls' School, 32 Prince Street.]
[Public School 3, Charrette Elementary School and Auditorium, 490 Hudson Street.]
[218-224, 226 and 228 West Broadway.]