American Red Cross Bazaar
Don't Let Them Die - You Can Save Them
General Committee. Hero Land Bazaar
Lest We Perish
The Greatest Mother in the World
Second Red Cross War Fund
Third Liberty Loan Patriotic Rally
Member - Citizens Committee to Receive President Wilson
Allied Theatrical & Motion Picture Ball, American Red Cross 2nd War Fund;;
Street Scenes, etc. Showing Displays of Liberty Loan Posters during World War I [Liberty Loan display at Grand Central.]
Street Scenes, etc. Showing Displays of Liberty Loan Posters during World War I [Liberty Loan posters on a construction fence.]
Street Scenes, etc. Showing Displays of Liberty Loan Posters during World War I [Liberty Loan billboard.]
Street Scenes, etc. Showing Displays of Liberty Loan Posters during World War I [Liberty Loan poster in a store window.]
Street Scenes, etc. Showing Displays of Liberty Loan Posters during World War I [Liberty Loan posters at Frederick Zittel and Sons Real Estate office.]
Street Scenes, etc. Showing Displays of Liberty Loan Posters during World War I [Liberty Loan poster in a window.]
Street Scenes, etc. Showing Displays of Liberty Loan Posters during World War I [Liberty Loan advertisement.]
Street Scenes, etc. Showing Displays of Liberty Loan Posters during World War I [Liberty Loan posters on a subway kiosk.]