Williamsburgh Wheelmen
Kings County Wheelmen
Brooklyn Heights R. R. Co.
Dr. Travis' Dental Parlors
Century Run of the Gramercy and Metropolis Wheelmen
Power Houses & Substations Lorimer Sub Sta. #17 Nos. 143-145 Lorimer Street
Williamsburg Bridge Plaza, Brooklyn, N. Y.
Ceremonies on the Occasion of the Opening of the Williamsburg Bridge
Williamsburg Plaza, Brooklyn, N. Y.
Williamsburg Bridge Plaza, Brooklyn, N.Y.
League of American Wheelmen
At Home. Jessie O. Booth
Waverley Moonlight Century Run
[Testimonial to industry, punctuality and good conduct.]
[Buildings on the north side of Broadway between Bedford Avenue and Berry Street.]
Gayety Theatre
[75, 77, 79 and 81 State Street.]
[Statue of George Washington.]
Century Wheelmen of New York