120th Anniversary Services "Old Spring Street Church"
[Map of Intersection of Spring Street and Varick Street]
Old Houses King & Varick Sts. By Bernhard Wall.
[No. 107 Varick Street.]
The Genuine Dr. C. McLane's Liver Pills Are a Sure Cure for Sick Head-ache
Engine Co. 30, Spring St. Bet. Hudson & Varick Sts. N.Y. City
[189 Varick Street.)
Varick Street
[Richmond Hill House of Theatre.]
Express Trains in Subway at Spring Street, New York.
[New York Dispensary. ]
36 Spring Street. New York Dispensary, "1790 - 1913" inscribed on building.
New-York Society of Letters, First Anniversary
A View of the present Seat of his Excl. the Vice President of the United States