Elect Santangelo for Congress;
For Congress - 4th Dist. Edw. R. Gilman
Re-Elect Padava State Senator
For Congress - William N. Runyon
Re-elect McCall Comptroller
Re-Elect Senator Barbour
Bella Abzug for Congress
Re-Elect Mayor Impellitteri;
On His Record Re-Elect Albert Wald State Senator
Elect Riegelman Mayor;
Elect Ives for Governor
Elect Wald State Senator
Ruth Messinger
Elect Jules Polonetsky Public Advocate
Elect Albert Wald State Senator
[Elect Albert Wald State Senator.]
Elect Javits Attorney General;
[Appointment of Joseph P. Tibbs as Watcher for the 1st Election District of the 11th Assembly District.]
For Congress Henry Birrell