Strike Duty Card
International Longshoremen's Association AFL-CIO Membership Book
NYSA-ILA Seniority Identification Card
General Cargo Agreement Negotiated by the New York Shipping Association with the International Longshoremen's Association
Agreement Between International Longshoremen's Association and New York Shipping Association
Agreements Negotiated by the New York Shipping Association with the International Longshoremen's Association
District Council, International Longshoremen's Association
Local 791, I.L.A. - Independent
Agreement Negotiated by the New York Shipping Association, Inc. with the Port Watchmen's Union Local 1456 - IWA of the Port of New York and Vicinity
Sample Ballot International Longshoremen's Association Local 791 - AFL-CIO
[Special meeting of Local 791.]
Elect William (Ace) Hogan