General Cargo Agreement Negotiated by the New York Shipping Association with the International Longshoremen's Association
Agreement Between International Longshoremen's Association and New York Shipping Association
District Council, International Longshoremen's Association
Agreement Negotiated by the New York Shipping Association, Inc. with the Port Watchmen's Union Local 1456 - IWA of the Port of New York and Vicinity
International Longshoremen's Association AFL-CIO Membership Book
Sample Ballot International Longshoremen's Association Local 791 - AFL-CIO
NYSA-ILA Seniority Identification Card
The British Queen, Steam Ship
Orders and Regulations for the Port of New-York
A South East Prospect of the City of New York in 1756-7 with the French Prizes at Anchor
[Ship in New York Harbor.]
[Henry Hudson's ship arriving in New York Harbor.]
New York About 1626-8. The Hartgers View, Amsterdam, 1651
Arrivee du Paquetbot Transatlanitque [View of New York from the South East]
Pledge Card