Associate Committee. Municipal Athletic Activities
Official. Safe and Sane Fourth of July 1924 Athletic Celebration
Inspector. Safe and Sane Fourth of July 1914 Athletic Celebration
M.A.A. Official
Timer. Safe and Sane Fourth of July 1912 Athletic Celebration
Safe and Sane Fourth of July. Athletic Celebration
The City of New York. Hon. William J. Gaynor, Mayor. Safe and Sane Fourth of July, 1911. Athletic Celebration
Safe and Sane Fourth of July. Athletic Carnival
City of New York Independence Day Celebration
The City of New York - 1609-1930
Guest Speaker - Brooklyn Rotary Club
The City of New York Centenary Celebration
Mayor's Committee of Women on National Defense
The Mayor's Committee, City of New York. In Commemoration of Swimming the English Channel - Gertrude Ederle, August 6
Mayor's Committee of the City of New York. Reception In Honor of His Excellency William T. Cosgrave, President of the Irish Free State
Yankee Stadium World Series
Mayor's Committee, Celebration, Silver Jubilee, New York. 25th Anniversary of the Greater City of New York