Receipt for towing services for Barge St. Nicolas from Propeller S. F. Washington, Dr.
Receipt for towing services for Barge St. Nicholas from Propeller Reindeer, Dr.
Receipt for towing services for Barge St. Nicolas from Schuyler's Line, Dr.
Receipt for towing services for Barge St. Nicholas from Steamboat Syracuse, Dr.
Towing services for Barge St. Nicholas to Steamboat America, Dr.
Receipt for towing services for Barge St. Nicholas from Steamboat C. Vanderbilt, Dr.
Receipt for towing services for Barge St. Nicholas from Cornell, Horton & Co., Dr.
Receipt for Barge St. Nicholas from J. Van Schaick, Dr.
[Wharfage for Barge St. Nicholas.]
Washington St. and Christopher Street [Wall Street to Waverly Place]
Washington St. [Wall Street to Waverly Place]
View of New York.
Steamer St. John
[Copy of a Map of the Lands Lately Belonging to the Estate of the Late Sir Peter Warren Lying at Greenwich in the Outlands of the City of New York, Surveyed August 1773]
Towing on the Hudson.
View Manhattan 1909 N.W. from Broadway & 75th St.
Crow's Nest.
West Point, From Above Washington Valley