Towing services for Barge St. Nicholas to Steamboat America, Dr.
Receipt for towing services for Barge St. Nicholas from Steamboat C. Vanderbilt, Dr.
Receipt for towing services for Barge St. Nicolas from Schuyler's Line, Dr.
Receipt for towing services for Barge St. Nicholas from Cornell, Horton & Co., Dr.
Receipt for towing services for Barge St. Nicholas from Propeller Reindeer, Dr.
Receipt for towing services for Barge St. Nicolas from Propeller Washington, Dr. .
Receipt for towing services for Barge St. Nicolas from Propeller S. F. Washington, Dr.
Receipt for Barge St. Nicholas from J. Van Schaick, Dr.
[Wharfage for Barge St. Nicholas.]
Steamer St. John
[Rental of pew number 85 for one year in St. Bartholomew's Church.]
Hudson River Steamboat "Adirondack." Greetings from Albany, N.Y.
[Lackawanna Railroad barge.]
[Barge and ship]
[St. Nicholas Roman Catholic German Church.]
John Fitch's Steamboat at Philadelphia.
St. Nicholas Place and St. Nicholas Avenue [Reade Street to Suffolk Street]
American Line, S.S. "New York".
The Great Mississippi Steamboat Race
The Grandest Palace Drawing Room Steamers in the World.