The Governor's Son ["Nothing New Beneath the Sun".]
The Governor's Son ["Never Breathe a Word of This to Mother".]
The Governor's Son ["The Governor's Son".]
The Governor's Son ["Governor of the State".]
The Governor's Son ["Oh! Mr. Moon".]
The Governor's Son ["Night Time".]
The Governor's Son ["Push Me Along in My Pushcart".]
Orchestration for "The Governor's Son"
"When We Are M-A-double-R-I-E-D"
"I Want You"
The Governor's Son. Bill Swift. Act I.
"Drink With Me"
The Governor's Son. Mrs. Benjamin Curtis. Act I.
"Gee, Ain't I Glad I'm Home"
"The Honeymooners"
"If Washington Should Come To Life"
"The Wedding of the Blue and Gray"