[Franklin D. Roosevelt.]
Franklin D. Roosevelt
[Franklin D. Roosevelt speaking into a microphone.]
[Franklin D. Roosevelt speaking into radio microphones.]
[Franklin D. Roosevelt giving a radio address.]
[Franklin D. Roosevelt giving a Columbus Day radio address.]
[Franklin D. Roosevelt with the cast of "Pins and Needles".]
[Franklin D. Roosevelt at the 50th Anniversary of the Statue of Liberty.]
[Inauguration of Franklin D. Roosevelt as Governor of the State of New York.]
Inauguration of Franklin D. Roosevelt as Governor of the State of New York
Queensboro Public Library. Copy of Book Bus.
[Franklin D. Roosevelt speaking at Hunter College.]
[Al Smith and Franklin D. Roosevelt.]
Bust of President Franklin D. Roosevelt by sculptress Mrs. Ruth Yates, cast in pewter by Henry Hope
[Franklin D. Roosevelt speaking into microphones from a car.]