Theatre--"Where's Charley?"
Ray Bolger
[Ray Bolger as Charley Wykeham in "Where's Charley?".]
[Jane Lawrence as Donna Lucia D'Alvadorez and Ray Bolger as Charley Wykeham in "Where's Charley?".]
[Ray Bolger as Charley Wykeham, Allyn Ann McLerie as Amy Spettigue and Marie Foster as Patricia in "Where's Charley?".]
Ben Wickersham, Picture Editor of Look
Ray Arcel--Boxing Personality
Ray McKinley
Katharine Cornell
Ina Ray Hutton, Astor Roof
American National Theatre and Academy
[Plays, "Alma! Where Do You Live?".]
Inside U.S.A.
Chorus Girls
Mary McCarty
[Ray Bolger in "On Your Toes".]
Books--Children's Books
Theatre--"The Big People"