The Liberty Loan Primer
Third Liberty Loan
Victory Liberty Loan
Handbook for Speakers. Third Liberty Loan
To Department Heads [Third Liberty Loan.]
Third Liberty Loan Campaign
A Liberty Loan Primer
Third Liberty Loan: The Facts
My Daddy Bought Me a Government Bond of the Third Liberty Loan Did Yours?
Street Scenes, etc. Showing Displays of Liberty Loan Posters during World War I [Patriotic Liberty Loan window displays.]
Street Scenes, etc. Showing Displays of Liberty Loan Posters during World War I [Church with Liberty Loan and other patriotic posters and banners.]
Street Scenes, etc. Showing Displays of Liberty Loan Posters during World War I [Liberty Loan billboard.]
The Schools and the Third Liberty Loan
Street Scenes, etc. Showing Displays of Liberty Loan Posters during World War I [Liberty Loan painted advertisement.]
Street Scenes, etc. Showing Displays of Liberty Loan Posters during World War I [Patriotic Liberty Loan window display.]