Jack's Nest
Meat Market
Grand Sociable & Surprise, Given by Lady Friends
Ch. Haupt, Anatomical Boot & Shoe Maker
Gensler Bros.
The Flick
Second Avenue and 23rd Street [First Avenue to Third Avenue]
Panipinto Antonio, First Class Boot and Shoe Maker
A Map of Property Belonging to John Duffie, Formerly Susan St. on Kips Bay Map
Jake Berry's Opera House. Monday, May 4, first appearance of the popular young American dramatic artist, Mr. D. Templeton, in an original drama entitled "The Female Detective; or, The Guillotine"
Adam Zaun's Meat Market
Industrial Gems. Compliments of the Metropolitan Life Insurance Company, New York
Karl Giese's Celebrated Wiener Lager Bier
M. Regan, Dealer in Fine Wines, Liquors & Segars
F. & M. Schaefer's Golden Liquid Lager Bier
Map of Kip's Bay Farm.
Philip Hussla, Bairische Bier Halle
Metropolitan Street Railway Co.
Karl Giese, Bottler of Wiener Lager Bier