Elect Al Lowenstein
Lowenstein for Congress
Vote Lindsay, Vote Liberal, Vote Column D
Vote [Brush] and a Clean City Government
Win with F.D.R., Jr.
Vote for Robinson for Boro President;
For Mayor Wm J. Gaynor - Vote Under the Shovel
Vote Row C - Make Marcantonio Mayor - American Labor Party
Citizens Committee - Wagner - Gerosa - Stark - Vote Row B;
Vote Harriman Roosevelt CIO
Elect Javits Attorney General;
Javits - For Attorney General;
Vote Under This Emblem. Then Get Seth Low Elected
Vote Fusion and You'll Vote as YOU Wish.
The Lady On the Other Side Is Requested to Vote For Alfred E. Smith. Thank You
Let's Take Back City Hall on November 4th
Vote for the Best Candidates! Keep the Taxes Down!