[Appointment of Hardinge Scholle to the Mayor's Committee for the commemoration of the Golden Jubilee of the City of New York.]
Mayor's Committee, Celebration, Silver Jubilee, New York. 25th Anniversary of the Greater City of New York
The Mayor's Committee, City of New York. In Commemoration of Swimming the English Channel - Gertrude Ederle, August 6
Member, The Mayor's Committee on National Defense New York City;;
Member, The Mayor's Committee on National Defense New York City
Mayor's Committee of the City of New York. Reception In Honor of His Excellency William T. Cosgrave, President of the Irish Free State
[Mr. Harding Scholle thanking Ida Jolles for the commemorative needlepoint celebrating the Golden Anniversary of New York City.]
Mayor's Honorary Committee. New York City Shakespeare Tercentenary Celebration 1616-1916
General Reception Committee, Pan-American Congress of Journalists
[Seating arrangement for the banquet celebrating the fiftieth anniversary of the New York Produce Exchange.]
In Memoriam William J. Gaynor Mayor of New York City
To Commemorate the 200th Anniversary of Washington's Inauguration in New York City
Veteran Firemen's Association of the City of New York Excursion
The City of New York Mayor's Committee on Receptions. Greeting of Welcome to Her Majesty Queen Marie of Roumania
Banquet Celebrating the Fiftieth Anniversary of the New York Produce Exchange
Dinner in honor of Gertrude Ederle, America's Conqueror of the English Channel, Given by the Mayor's Committee on Receptions
[New York City Bicentennial medal, commemorating the 200th anniversary of the American Revolution.]
Banquet tendered to Miss Gertrude Ederle, America's Conqueror of the English Channel by Mayor's Committee on Receptions
For Mayor of Greater New York City - Seth Low