[Sons of Temperance neckpiece.]
Sons of Temperance.
Son of Temperance.
First Anniversary of the Washington Union, No. 2, Daughters of Temperance.
The Fruits of Temperance.
The Tree of Temperance.
Constitution and By-Laws of West Flushing Section, No. 20, Cadets of Temperance of the State of New York
The Bible and Temperance.
Washington Temperance Benevolent Society.
[Certificate of membership to the Marine Temperance Society of the Port of New York.]
[Detail of a model of Native American life.]
Invitation Ticket. 2nd Anniversary of the S.of T.
[Diorama of Native American life.]
Father Matthew Administering the Temperance Pledge.
Wah-Shun-Gah, Chief of all the Kaws.
Death of Minnehaha.