Abbie A. Hartley [Marriage to Frederick B. Wightman.]
Fred'k. B. Wightman [Marriage to Abbie A. Hartley.]
[Wedding of Emma G. Fitch and Edward N. Pomeroy.]
[Wedding of Annie Bostwick and Pierson Hendrickson, Jr.]
[Wedding of Sarah A. Du Pont and Albert E. Stillman.]
Church, Parkhurst's, Madison Ave., N.E. Corner 24th Street.
Madison Ave. and 24th Street [MacDougal Street to Maiden Lane]
[Wedding of Ella Fortmeyer and John P. Deas.]
Maintenance and repair of Madison Square Presbyterian Church.
[Wedding of Harriette P. Williams and Mortimer L. Mackenzie.]
Madison Avenue and 23rd Street [MacDougal Street to Maiden Lane]
Maintenance and repair of the upper facade of Madison Square Presbyterian Church.
East 24th Street and Madison Avenue. Madison Square Presbyterian Church
Dr. Parkhurst's Church, New York.
Dr. Parkhurst's Church, Madison Ave, New York.
Madison Ave. - 23rd to 24th Streets [MacDougal Street to Maiden Lane]
[Wedding of Adele Louise Faile and John A. Browning.]
Construction of Madison Square Presbyterian Church.