Conscientous Objectors (NY Street Scenes)
Cafe Society Servicemen greeted in WWII
Save to Defend America
The City of New York Citizens Defense Corps Manual for Public Works Officers
[The Union League Club resolution to remember Pearl Harbor.]
Governors Island, Recruiting Department of the War Department
Steinway Piano Co.--War Worker
Our Obligation As a Nation in the Present World Crisis
Certificate of Cooperation
First Avenue Retail Market.
Freddy Barker--A.W.V. Service 90 Church Street
John Wilson, Saddle, Harness, Collar and Trunk Maker
New York Home Guard
99 Park Ave., N.Y.--WWII Entertainment
George Fielding Eliot
Streets--Broadway on VE Day
Queensboro Public Library. Copy of Book Bus.
Le Diner Pour Les Oeuvres Charitables du Comité Des Sociétés Françaises de Secours