Lewis Gillenson--LOOK Staff Writer, Later Editor of Cosmopolitan
Don Wharton--Writer for LOOK
Ted Irwin--LOOK Staff Writer
Alice Richardson--LOOK Staff Writer
Ben Wickersham, Picture Editor of Look
Jacques Bacal
Wallace Stegner--LOOK Writer
LOOK Employees--Lilli Van Ameringen & Alice Richardson (with glasses)
Connie Sheehan and Walter Macmillan, LOOK staff members
Perkins Bailey--Men's Fashion Editor of LOOK
Jimmy Savo
Dr. Ernest Dichter--Psychologist Consultant to LOOK
Vaughn Monroe--Autograph
LOOK Employees--Don Smith
Rosemarie Brancato--Opera Singer
Bunk Johnson--Jazz
Dizzy Gillespie
Robert E. Sherwood
Jimmy Durante
Louis Armstrong