Ben Wickersham, Picture Editor of Look
Wallace Stegner--LOOK Writer
Lewis Gillenson--LOOK Staff Writer, Later Editor of Cosmopolitan
Connie Sheehan and Walter Macmillan, LOOK staff members
Patricia Coffin Cocktail Party
Alice Richardson--LOOK Staff Writer
Hepburn, Andrew (Travel Editor of LOOK) [Andrew Hepburn and another man looking at a photograph.]
Perkins Bailey--Men's Fashion Editor of LOOK
Hepburn, Andrew (Travel Editor of LOOK) [Andrwe Hepburn and another man looking at a map of Indiana.]
Harold Clemenko--LOOK Staff Writer
Dinah Shore
Brooklyn Nobody Knows [Editor of the Brooklyn Record.]
Follies Show, Winter Garden
Helen Brush
Kurt Maier, Pianist
Woody Herman--Autograph
Circus Saints and Sinners