Abe Attell with Damon Runyon
Damon Runyon
Damon Runyon--Playing Cards with Gregory Ratoff
Hunter College Girls
52nd Street Nightclubs
Lilly Dache
Madison Square Garden--Harvest Moon Ball
Circus Saints and Sinners
Alice Richardson--LOOK Staff Writer
Stork Club
Stork Club and Sherman Billingsley
Milton Berle - Damon Runyon Cancer Fund [Woman singing.]
Mayor La Guardia
Fred Allen
Kent Cooper--Associated Press
Eddie Cantor, Dinah Shore, Doug Fairbanks, Jr.--Radio City
Peter Arno
Earl Wilson Party
Fascism in America--Feud Between Station WMCA and Father Coughlin--Columbus Circle, NYC
Spring 1941 Shoe Feature (Women's), Bonwit Teller