By-Laws of Knickerbocker Fire Engine Company, No. 12
Annual Hop of Knickerbocker Engine No. XII
Come and See Charles Miller
Annual Hop of Knickerbocker Engine Co. No. XII
Runkel & Blumberg, Fashionable Shaving & Hair Cutting Studio
The Murray Hill Estate
Annual Hop of Engine Company No. XII
Park Avenue Hotel.
Annual Subscription to the Female Benevolent Society of Calvary Church
W. Van Arsdale
Street Scenes, Fifth Avenue North from 33rd Street.
P.J. Moriarty Restaurants
[Reception of Hibernia Engine Company No. 1 of Philadelphia.]
By-Laws of Board of Engineers and Foremen of the New York Fire Department
[Reception in honor of the centennial of the organization of Lafayette Engine Company No. 19.]
[Lexington Avenue. 1899. Looking South from 34th Street.]
Meat Market
Temple Rodeph Shalom. Organ left and rose window.