By-Laws of Knickerbocker Fire Engine Company, No. 12
Annual Hop of Knickerbocker Engine No. XII
Come and See Charles Miller
Annual Hop of Knickerbocker Engine Co. No. XII
Runkel & Blumberg, Fashionable Shaving & Hair Cutting Studio
Annual Hop of Engine Company No. XII
The Murray Hill Estate
Park Avenue Hotel.
Annual Subscription to the Female Benevolent Society of Calvary Church
By-Laws of Board of Engineers and Foremen of the New York Fire Department
Street Scenes, Fifth Avenue North from 33rd Street.
[Reception of Hibernia Engine Company No. 1 of Philadelphia.]
W. Van Arsdale
P.J. Moriarty Restaurants
[Reception in honor of the centennial of the organization of Lafayette Engine Company No. 19.]
Temple Rodeph Shalom. Organ left and rose window.
Rodeph Shalom temple. Pulpit and altar.
Temple Rodeph Shalom. Exterior.