[Certificate of appointment as fireman of the City of New York.]
Names and Places of Abode of the Members of the Common Council, Engineers, Fire Wardens and the Foremen of the Respective Fire Companies
[Certificate certifying Thomas Coman as a fire man.]
[Certificate of appointment of Thomas Coman to New York City Fire Department.]
In Memoriam - Chester A. Arthur
Key No. 2902C is hereby issued to Theophilus Holmes of No. 17 East 133rd Street
[Certificate of discharge from the Fire Department of the City of Brooklyn.]
Dedication of the Bartholdi Statue of Liberty October 28 -1886
[New York State Council. Order of American Firemen]
Certificate Appointing James Pettit a Fireman of the City of New York
Certificate appointing James Howard a Fireman of the City of New York
[Certificate of membership to the New-York Society Library.]
Erection of a Memorial Monument to Volunteer Firemen
[Funeral for a fireman.]
Fireman's Herald
National Fireman's Journal
[Portrait of a fireman.]
Presented to James S. Norton in Appreciation of Meritorious Performance of Duty as a Fireman
Volunteer, Exempt & Veteran Firemen's Sons Association of the City of New York