Elect Albert Wald State Senator
"One Good Term Deserves Another"
On His Record Re-Elect Albert Wald State Senator
Federal Registration
James L. Wells
[Appointment of Joseph P. Tibbs as Watcher for the 1st Election District of the 11th Assembly District.]
Added Attraction - The Siphon Brothers.
The New Aquarium
Our Choice for Leader - Frank J .Goodwin
Vote Under This Emblem. Then Get Seth Low Elected
A Dead Failure
The Challenge.
[6th Avenue and 38th Street.]
Dedication of the Memorial Plaque at the Site of P. S. 10, Manhattan
Elect Francis (Frank) Hubert
Burning of the City Hall New York
Registration Certificate
Elect William (Ace) Hogan
The New Democratic Party Whip - Whipping into Line.
The vision to dream... The experience to build