On His Record Re-Elect Albert Wald State Senator
Elect Albert Wald State Senator
"One Good Term Deserves Another"
Federal Registration
James L. Wells
[Appointment of Joseph P. Tibbs as Watcher for the 1st Election District of the 11th Assembly District.]
Added Attraction - The Siphon Brothers.
Our Choice for Leader - Frank J .Goodwin
Vote Under This Emblem. Then Get Seth Low Elected
The New Aquarium
The Challenge.
A Dead Failure
Dedication of the Memorial Plaque at the Site of P. S. 10, Manhattan
[6th Avenue and 38th Street.]
Burning of the City Hall New York
Elect Francis (Frank) Hubert
Registration Certificate
The vision to dream... The experience to build
Elect William (Ace) Hogan
The New Democratic Party Whip - Whipping into Line.