Jake Berry's Opera House. Monday, May 4, first appearance of the popular young American dramatic artist, Mr. D. Templeton, in an original drama entitled "The Female Detective; or, The Guillotine"
Grand opening night, Monday evening, October 4, during the week and Saturday matinee
Monday, April 14, 1873, the eminent Irish comedian and character actor, Mr. Dominick Murray, in the local drama, "The Gambler's Crime; or, The Murder on the Hudson"
Monday, November 16, 1885. The famous 4 Horseshoe 4, Love Sisters (Ella & Josie), F. B. Carr & J. J. Quinlan in their burletta, "The Actor's Family"
34th Street Opera House. Monday evening, May 15, and during the week, and Wednesday and Saturday matinees, 1871
Monday, January 19, 1874, Mr. Oliver Doud Byron will appear in his great specialty drama of "Across the Continent"
"The Fair One With the Blonde Wig", "Bamboozling" and "The Skeleton Witness", Monday, May 22, 1876
Mr. Hernandez Foster in his novel characterization of Monday (Prince of Pisangs), Monday evening, November 10, 1873, "Jack Harkaway: Afloat and Shore"
Monday, May 4, 1874, the charming pantomimist and danseuse, Miss Marietta Ravel, in the grand military drama in four acts, entitled "Jartine"
Monday, November 10, 1873, the young and sterling actress, Miss Louise Hawthorne, in the grand and beautiful picture of life in New York and California, "Four Christmas Nights"
Monday, May 5, 1873, the celebrated pantomimist and actor Mr. Hernandez Foster in his characterization of Monday, in the nautical drama from Frank Leslie's Weekly, "Jack Harkaway: Afloat and Ashore"
Monday, November 10, 1873, the young and sterling actress, Miss Louise Hawthorne, in the grand and beautiful picture of life in New York and California, entitled "Four Christmas Nights"
"Lawyer's Clerk?", "Grousemeier's Daughter", "Who Is Boss?", "The Family Pest" and "Jocko, the Brazilian Ape", Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, January 15, 16, 17
Monday, December 22, 1873, an engagement with Mr. E. L. Davenport, who will appear in a round of his celebrated impersonations, supported by Mrs. E. L. Davenport and the entire Woods Company
Mr. F. S. Chanfrau will appear in De Walden's celebrated original comedy in five acts, "Sam", Monday, February 10, 1873
Monday, February 10, 1873, third week of the great American actor, Mr. F. S. Chanfrau, who will appear in De Walden's celebrated original comedy in five acts, "Sam"
To commence with the comic pantomime in one act by Mons. Neuville, "The Skeleton"
Monday, August 24, 1874, will be produced H. J. Byron's beautiful play in a prologue and four acts, entitled "The Lancashire Lass"
The performance will commence with the laughable side-splitting pantomime of "The Four Lovers"
August 8, 1887, the great comedy trio, 3 Electric - Callan, Haley and Callan