Letter from Oliver De Lancey to his father, Oliver De Lancey, June 27, 1775
Burning of Stamp Act, Boston.
The Boston Massacre. March 5, 1770.
John Malcolm. British Commisioner tarred and feathered. Jan 2, 1774.
Boston Tea Party. Three cargoes of tea destroyed Dec. 16, 1773.
Centennial Home Insurance Company. [Calendar for August 1876.]
Battle of Bunker Hill.
Death of Major Pierson, Defeat of French Troops, Saint Heliers, Jersey Jan 6, 1781.
Evacuation of Boston, March 18, 1776.
Claims against the estate of James De Lancey, May 19, 1786
Battle of Lexington, Mass.
Battle at Bunker's Hill
George Washington at Valley Forge.
General George Washington at the Battle of Trenton.
French Relief Troops, 1776-83.