Receipted bill issued by Richard Harrison to John Peter De Lancey for 33 pounds 10 shillings, April 26, 1791
Receipted bill issued by Wood Rushmore & Co. to John Peter De Lancey for $17.40, December 12, 1812
The Beekman Family Coach, The New York Historical Society
Carriage built by Clark of Philadephia, for General George Washington.
[Electric Department's horse-drawn carriage.]
[Unidentified trade card.]
[Street scene.]
Winter Blockade in New York.
Receipt issued by Isaac Smith to Jacob Jackson for payment of $3.00, December 12, 1796
Boulevard Avenue, L. I.
A Fast Team.
Well - I'm Blowed!
Just jogging along out of town
[Two men traveling by coach.]
Unbolted !
[Man watching a speeding carriage.]
The Horse - Man of the Period.
A Hard Road to Travel.