A Song, made by a Dutch Lady at the Hague, for the Sailors of the American Vessels at Amsterdam. June 1779. Another, made by a Dutch Gentleman, at Amsterdam, to be sung by the same, on the 4 of July.
French Relief Troops, 1776-83.
The Oracle - Britania, Hibernia, Scotia, and America assembled to consult the Oracle on the present situation of Public Affairs. Time is acting as Priest.
Burning of Stamp Act, Boston.
Float - Order of the Cincinnati.
British Troops.
Thousand Hessian prisoners brought from Trenton to Philadelphia, Dec. 26, 1776.
Plan of the Investment and Attack of York in Virginia
A statement of the claims examined by the Commissioners appointed to enquire into the losses and services of the American Loyalists, &c. up to the present time
Letter from Thomas Jones to Arabella Jones Floyd, February 5, 1783
Letter from Stephen De Lancey to his father, Oliver De Lancey, January 14, 1779
Letter from Thomas Jones to Arabella Jones Floyd, November 4, 1783
The Boston Massacre. March 5, 1770.
Order book of Oliver De Lancey, April 30, 1778-May 15, 1778, copied by Edward Floyd De Lancey in 1880