This evening, a comedy in two acts, "Among the Breakers" and a comedy in three acts, "A Widow Hunt"
The distinguished and most popular actor, Mr. Dominick Murray, and the accomplished artiste, Miss Josephine Fiddes, in a play in three acts, "The Golden Bubble; or, A Change of Fortune"
Benefit of Jennie Carroll. The Irish drama in three acts, "Arline: The Rose of Killarney" and the musical fairy extravaganza, "Beauty and the Beast"
Benefit of Mr. John Brougham. This evening, a comedy in two acts, "A Gentleman from Ireland" and Mr. Brougham's burlesque, "Pocahontas; or, The Gentle Savage"
Monster bill! Mrs. D. P. Bowers, assisted by Mr. J. C. McCollom, in the tragedy of five acts, "Jane Shore; or, The Unhappy Favorite"
First appearance on any stage of Miss Minnie Conway. This evening, the opera "The Daughter of the Regiment"
Miss Fanny Herring in two pieces, assisted by the popular favorite Mr. E. Lamb. "Ireland As It Was" and "Sketches in India"
Saturday evening, October 8, 1864, thirtieth consecutive night of Tom Taylor's best comedy in three acts, "Victims"
Benefit of Mr. E. Lamb. Douglas Jerrold's drama, "The Rent Day", to conclude with the side-splitting farce, "Wanted! A Thousand Milliners"
This evening, the play in five acts, "Reaping the Tempest" and the Irish drama, "Brian O'Lynn"
Saturday evening, September 17, 1870, will be presented Shakespeare's tragedy of "Romeo and Juliet"
"As You Like It", Monday and Wednesday, September 22 and 24, 1873, at F. B. Conway's Brooklyn Theatre
Benefit of Mrs. D. P. Bowers in "Lady Audley's Secret", Friday, October 7, 1864 at Mrs. F. B. Conway's Park Theatre
"Elizabeth", Monday evening, October 6, 1873, engagement of Mrs. F. W. Lander at F. B. Conway's Brooklyn Theatre
"As You Like It", Monday and Wednesday, September 22 and 24, 1873 at F. B. Conway's Brooklyn Theatre
Mr. F. S. Chanfrau in De Walden's great comedy of "Sam", Tuesday evening, January 2, 1866
Monday and Tuesday evenings, January 26 and 27, 1663 [1863], the operatic drama in three acts, "The Pet of the Petticoats"
Mr. Hernandez Foster in his novel characterization of Monday (Prince of Pisangs), Monday evening, November 10, 1873, "Jack Harkaway: Afloat and Shore"
Wednesday evening, January 3, 1866, the performance will commence with De Walden's great comedy of "Sam"
Monday evening, May 17, will be played the celebrated drama in three acts, "David Copperfield"