"The Lawyer's Clerk"
Monday, November 16, 1885. The famous 4 Horseshoe 4, Love Sisters (Ella & Josie), F. B. Carr & J. J. Quinlan in their burletta, "The Actor's Family"
34th Street Opera House. Monday evening, May 15, and during the week, and Wednesday and Saturday matinees, 1871
Bowery Opera House. Benefit of Frank Girard, Thursday, March 25, 1875
Grand opening night, Monday evening, October 4, during the week and Saturday matinee
Monday, May 21, 1888, special engagement of the universal favorite, the great Harry Le Clair, in his new and original entertainment, entitled "A Society Star"
August 8, 1887, the great comedy trio, 3 Electric - Callan, Haley and Callan
Jake Berry's Opera House. Monday, May 4, first appearance of the popular young American dramatic artist, Mr. D. Templeton, in an original drama entitled "The Female Detective; or, The Guillotine"
Monday, November 1, 1880, the celebrated comedian Fred Warren, by permission of Dr. Lathrop of the Boylston Museum, Boston, producing the burlesque "Sir Joseph Wiess Beer"
Monday, January 19, 1874, Mr. Oliver Doud Byron will appear in his great specialty drama of "Across the Continent"
Monday, January 26, 1874, the performance will commence with the renowned specialty artists, the South American wonders, the Feely Brothers, the finest trapeze performers in the world
"The Milliners"
The performance will commence with the laughable side-splitting pantomime of "The Four Lovers"
Monday, February 9, 1874, the accomplished California artiste, Miss Amy Stone, in the grand military drama in four acts and a prologue, "Cigarette; or, The Little Leopard of France"
To commence with the comic pantomime in one act by Mons. Neuville, "The Skeleton"
"Did You Rap At the Door?"
Joint benefit of A. H. Sheldon and Jas. Barnes in "Who Owns the Coat?", Saturday afternoon and evening, May 2, 1874
Monday, May 22nd, and during the week and matinees Tuesday and Friday, the amusing farce, "American Tourists"
Monday evening, April 27, 1874, benefit of the beautiful and gifted artiste, Miss Gussie De Forrest, on which occasion she will appear as Pauline in the celebrated drama, "The Lady of Lyons"
Monday, April 21, 1873, the eminent and popular artist, Mr. Dominick Murray, who will appear for the second week in the sensational local drama, "Escaped From Sing-Sing"