Mitchell's Olympic Theatre. Benefit of Mr. H. Marks, leader of the orchestra. Wednesday evening, April 9, the performance will commence with the popular opera in three acts, "The Marriage of Figaro"
Mitchell's Olympic Theatre. First night in America of a new farce by J. R. Planche, "Hold Your Tongue", Monday evening, December 24, 1849
Mr. Mitchell in "Charles XII; or, The Siege of Stralsund", Saturday evening, February 12, 1848
Thanksgiving Day. The celebrated drama, "Don Caesar de Bazan" with Mr. Holland as Jacques Strop, Thursday evening, December 12
Mitchell's Olympic Theatre. Saturday evening, April 12, the evening's entertainments will commence with the petite comedy entitled "The Crown Prince; or, The Buckle of Brilliants"
Olympic Theatre will open for the third season on Monday, September 13, 1841
Fourth night of the musical burletta, "Cupid", Thursday evening, November 18, 1841
Mitchell's Olympic Theatre. On Saturday evening, February 26, 1842, the entertainments will commence with the celebrated farce called "Young Widow"
Mitchell's Olympic Theatre. On Monday evening, December 27, 1841, the entertainments to commence with the musical comedy called "The Two Figaros"
Miss Julia Bennett's benefit. Tuesday evening, May 11, the entertainments will commence with the popular comedy in two acts, "The Follies of a Night"
Thursday evening, December 23, 1847, the evening's entertainment will commence with a new comic drama by J. R. Planche, entitled "Pride of the Market"
Tuesday evening, November 11. Benefit of Mlle. Adelaide Rousset. Splendid bill! Two ballets selected from “La Giselle” and “Catarina; or, The Queen of the Bandits"
American Concert Hall. 444 Broadway. The largest and best conducted place of amusement in the city. Continued success. A perfect avalanche of novelties!
Julia Dean, appearing on Monday and Tuesday evenings, July 22 & 23, 1867, in the excellent play of "The Woman in White"
"Diane; or, Hands Not Hearts", Tuesday evening, May 13, 1856
The fairy star Miss Agnes Robertson and Mr. Dion Boucicault in "Victor and Hortense", Monday, August 25, 1856
Tuesday, October 1, 1839, will be presented Shakespeare's tragedy of "Hamlet"
Tuesday evening, October 14, second night of the celebrated Rousset family, who will appear in their popular ballet divertissement, “Un Jour de Carnival”
Continued and extraordinary success of Miss Cushman as La Tisbe in the new play, “The Actress of Padua”, Friday evening, October 2
Thursday evening, April 3, the performance will commence with Brougham’s version of “David Copperfield”, with Brougham as Wilkins Micawber