For the benefit of Miss Clifton on which occasion Madame Lecomte will appear. On Friday evening, December 15, will be performed the tragedy of "Venice Preserved"
Rossini's grandest opera of "Semiramide", Thursday and Friday, January 9th and 10th
For the benefit of Miss Ellen Tree, "Twelfth Night; or, What You Will", on Friday evening, April 14
For the benefit of Mr. Giubilei, "The Love Spell; or, The Mountebank of Ravenna", Friday evening, March 6, 1840
Palmo's Opera-House, afterward Burton's Theater.
For the benefit of Mr. Kilner. Friday evening, August 26, 1825, will be presented for the second time in this theatre, the comedy "Charles the Second"
Friday evening, November 9, will be acted for the last time the domestic drama of "The Maid of Croissey"
Mademoiselle Fanny Elssler for the benefit of St. Joseph's Orphan Asylum, Monday evening, June 27, the entertainments will commence with the second act of "La Tarentule"
Thursday evening, June 14, will be acted Buckstone's drama, entitled "The Lost Son; or, Luke the Labourer"
For the benefit of Miss White, the opera, "Inkle and Yarico", Monday evening, June 16, 1806
Saturday evening, September 30, benefit of the widow and orphans of the late Samuel Nichols
Wednesday evening, August 23, joint benefit of Max Maretzek and Mme. Bertucca Maretzek, the grand opera of "Lucrezia Borgia"
Friday evening, June 21, 1839, will be produced for positively the last time, the grand opera of "Amilie"
Saturday evening, November 1, first benefit of Leopold de Meyer, the greatest pianist of modern days, and last appearance
Benefit of Mrs. Fitzwilliam and her last appearance prior to her departure for Charleston. Friday evening, February 14, 1840, will be performed the drama of "The Heart of Midlothian"
Friday evening, April 13, 1849, will be performed the grand operatic spectacle in three acts, entitled "The Enchantress"
Monday evening, May 17, will be played the celebrated drama in three acts, "David Copperfield"
Monday evening, April 30, will be played the very popular play in three acts, called "David Copperfield"
Mitchell's Olympic Theatre. Benefit of Mr. H. Marks, leader of the orchestra. Wednesday evening, April 9, the performance will commence with the popular opera in three acts, "The Marriage of Figaro"
Tuesday, May 25, 1852, benefit of the wonderful Caroline Rousset. The performance to commence with the vaudeville of "The Sentinel"