"The Coal Heaver's Revenge", "Dutch Justice", "The McFadden Family", "Robert Macaire; or, the Two Fugitives" and "The Mystery; or, Dancing As It Was"
"The Haunted Wig Maker", "The Day We Went West", "The Skeptics", "The Invalid Corps" and "The Italian Padrone"
"A Cure For Dyspepsia", "The Clancys", "The Two Dutchers", "The Coroner's Jury", "In the Tombs"
"Uncle Tom's Cabin; or, Life Among the Lowly"
For the week commencing Monday, March 8th. Another startling bill!
"Coopers", "Obeying Orders", "Clodoche", "All Nations", "When I Say Take It, Don't Take It!", "Lost At Long Branch" and "Work; Or, the Irish Policeman"
Program for the week commencing January 25. The new and beautiful Irish sketch, entitled "The Skibbeeah"
"A Good Night's Rest", "Regular Army, Oh!", "My Father Sold Charcoal", "The Four Cousins", "Who's Got de Flo", "One-Two-Three!" and "Sing Sing, Or How They Get Out"
Program for the week commencing October 26, the evening's entertainment will commence with the laughable Negro farce, entitled "The Coopers"
Monday evening, January 14, 1878, Harrigan and Hart will produce Edward Harrigan's original drama in four acts, entitled "Christmas Joys and Sorrows"
Monday, March 11, 1878, Harrigan and Hart will appear in Edward Harrigan's great hit of the season, "Sullivan's Christmas"
"Catching a Governor", "The Wig Makers" and "Paris by Moonlight" introducing the original "Parisian Can Can"
Monday evening, September 27, the great rifle shooting match between the Mulligan and Skidmore Guards reinforced by members of the regular Army
Monday evening, January 24, 1876, the great Dutch comedian Mr. Geo. S. Knight will appear in his original sketch of "Around the Block in Forty Minutes"
Monday evening, January 28, 1878, Harrigan and Hart, the people's choice, in Edward Harrigan's new and original local drama, "The Italian Junkman"
First week of the great pantomime, "Volovante"
The week commencing Monday, November 3. Mr. Josh Hart's world-renowned creation, "Chicago Before the Fire, During the Fire and After the Fire"
Complimentary testimonial to Mr. Charles T. White, Thursday afternoon, April 15, 1880
The week commencing Monday, October 7, John F. Poole's new drama, entitled "Eva; or, Uncle Tom's Cabin"
Monday, August 26, 1878, Harrigan & Hart in Mr. Edward Harrigan's moral drama, "Old Lavender"