P. J. Ulrich, Importer and Manufacturer of Artistic Materials
Karl Giese's Celebrated Wiener Lager Bier
Nathan Heyman, Manufacturer of Segars
Charlie's Cordials and Beverages
Union Adams, Importer and Manufacturer of Fine Furnishing Goods
Ch. Haupt, Anatomical Boot & Shoe Maker
Jack's Nest Southern Kitchen
Ira Perego, Importer & Manufacturer of Gentlmens Fine Furnishing Goods
M. Regan, Dealer in Fine Wines, Liquors & Segars
New's Oyster and Chop House
F. & M. Schaefer's Golden Liquid Lager Bier
John Gross, Plumber and Gas Fitter
Carrol & Regan Oyster Dealers
From R. Hutcheson, Dealer in Fine Groceries
C. Dethloff, Manufacturer and Importer of Fine Havana Cigars
J. Scott. Dealer in Oil Cloths, Window Shades & Paper Hangings
Crystal Chemical Co.