Third Annual Reception of the Prospect Club
Fourth Annual Reception and Ball of the Entre Nous Literary Society
Third Season Grand Annual Ball of the Merry Centennial Social Club
Second Annual Invitation Ball of the Frank J. Britz Association
Annual Reception of the Friendly Circle
First Annual Reception of the S.S.C. Tendered to Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Dunphy
Grand Sociable & Surprise, Given by Lady Friends
Annual Reception of the Lady Mignonettes
A Reception by the Odd Three
Annual Invitation Ball of the Edwin Odell Association
First Reception of the Entre Nous Literary & Social Club
Grand Annual Surprise Tendered by "The Merry Four"
Annual Invitation Ball of the Jas. Dunphy Association
Society Sociables
Annual Entertainment and Reception of United Council Incorporated
Forty-Fourth Annual Reception of the Atalanta Boat Club
Annual Invitation Ball of the Martin Jennings Association
Second Annual Ball of the Julius Nelson Association, of Hudson County
Annual Entertainment and Reception of St. James' Union
Seventh Annual Invitation Ball of the Atlantic Volunteers