Society Hops
Annual Reception of the Lady Violets
Annual Reception of the Friendly Circle
Fifth Annual Invitation Ball of the Pike Coterie
Grand Annual Ball of the Michael Morrissey Association
Third Season Invitation Ball of the Frank J. Britz Association
Annual Entertainment & Reception of United Council Incorporated
Annual Invitation Ball of the Martin Jennings Association
First Annual Hop of the Liberty Engine Co. No. 50
Annual Entertainment and Reception of St. James' Union
Fifth Annual Invitation Ball of the Enterprise Coterie
Eighth Annual Invitation Ball of the Our Own Pleasure Club
Annual Invitation Ball of the Jas. Dunphy Association
Grand Annual Surprise Tendered by "The Merry Four"
Second Annual Invitation Ball of the Frank J. Britz Association
Second Annual Fancy Dress Ball of the Madison Club
Annual Invitation Ball of the Patrick Divver Association
First Annual Hop, Perry Association
Seventh Annual Ball of the New York City Schützen Corps
Second Annual Ball of Cataract Engine Company, No. 25