Grand Matinee Ball Given by John Masterson
Grand Annual Ball of the Michael Morrissey Association
Annual Ball of the Patrick Divver Association
Grand Annual Surprise Tendered by "The Merry Four"
Grand Annual Summer-Night's Festival of the Patrick J. Eagan Association
Complimentary Ball to F. C. Schaffer
Third Annual Ball of Troop J, Third Regiment Cavalry, N.Y.S.N.G.
Charity Ball
[Joseph Williams is requested to attend Mr. Shepherd's Public Ball.]
Ball, Ninth Infrantry
Seventh Annual Ball of the New York City Schützen Corps
Guard of Liberty. First Annual Ball
Twentieth Annual Ball of Troop F, Third Regiment Cavalry N.G.S.N.Y.
Third Season Grand Annual Ball of the Merry Centennial Social Club
Complimentary Ball to J. B. Griffith
St. Nicholas Association Third Annual Ball