M. Regan, Dealer in Fine Wines, Liquors & Segars
From R. Hutcheson, Dealer in Fine Groceries
The Ellis Jewelry Store
Grand Sociable & Surprise, Given by Lady Friends
S. Bloomfield, Fine Shoes at Popular Prices
R. H. Staveley, Dealer in Fine Toys
M. Gumpert, Importer of French Millinery Goods
J. Scott. Dealer in Oil Cloths, Window Shades & Paper Hangings
F. & M. Schaefer's Golden Liquid Lager Bier
F. M. Webster
S. Bloomfield
Jack's Nest Southern Kitchen
Ch. Haupt, Anatomical Boot & Shoe Maker
New's Oyster and Chop House
Industrial Gems. Compliments of the Metropolitan Life Insurance Company, New York