Hecker-Jones-Jewell Milling Co.
Delicious Cakes Made of Heckers' Self-Raising Buckwheat
My Mama Uses Martha Washington Creamery Buttered Flour
Washburn Crosby Co.'s Flour
Paxton & Lochiel Flouring Mills. John Hoffer, Manufacturer of New Process High Grade Flour
Indenture of Cornelius Losee to Jacob S. Jackson, April 8, 1828
Durant, Lathrop & Co.
R. J. Wright
Lazell's Unrivalled Perfumes
Ask for Thurbers'
Haviland, White & Co.
Market Street and Cherry Street [Market Street to Park Avenue & 41st Street]
'T is sweet to kiss.
They had sandwiches for lunch and a bottle filled with punch.
That Horrible Moment - when, having had the nerve to turn down the light, you find that you haven't the nerve to make the next move.
"A Tell Tale Stove and What Came of It"
Under the Mistletoe. "As in a Looking glass."