The Ellis Jewelry Store
H. Ellis, Jet and Parisian Jewelry
Wm. Neely's One Price Family Boot and Shoe Store
London Theatre
Fancy & Windsor Chair Manufactory, Wholesale & Retail
Lyle's Millinery
Benedict Brothers, Watches and Jewelry
[Palais Royal.]
Wholesaler and Retailer
Max Stadler & Co. Retail Clothiers
J. B. Eckert, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Butter & Cheese
Palais Royal
Dutton & Rhodes
Stewart's Retail Shop [Photographs of New York City.]
Compliments of Nicoll the Tailor
[Couple at Jewelry Store Window]
John B. Quinlan, Wholesale and Retail Grocer
J.J. Early & Co., Retail Clothiers
Our Liberal Terms of Credit Settled the Question