Leary & Co. Leaders & Introducers of Fashions for Gentlemens Hats
Dr. Hankinson's Electro-Chemical Baths ; Young, Stebbins, & Co. ; Leary & Co.
Van Amburgh & Cos. Triumphal Car.
Heaney, the Artist Hatter
Sullivan - Hatter
Broadway from Vesey to Barclay Sts. [Broadway & John Street to Broadway & Park Row]
Astor House Rotunda
Compliments of Balch, Price & Co. Hatters & Furriers
Valentin the Hatter
Jos. Stiner & Co.
[Broadway North from Vesey St.]
Astor Ho. Bway N.Y. [Astor House, Broadway N.Y.]
Broadway and Barclay, Astor House
[Astor House.]
Cheesebrough Manufacturing Co.
Light Guard Soiree
Light Guard Soirée
Astor Place [Amsterdam to Battery Place.]