[United States Hotel]
Holt's New Hotel.
U.S Hotel. 1860.
Fulton Street & Water to Pearl Streets [Collect Pond to Fulton Street]
Pearl Street House & Ohio Hotel.
[United States Sub-Treasury.]
Eighth Avenue Elevation- United States Post Office Building, New York, N.Y.
United States Life Insurance Co.
Thirty-fifth Annual Dinner of the Hotel Men's Mutual Benefit Association, of the United States & Canada
United States Atlantic Fleet Land Parade
State Apartments, Hotel Manhattan, New York City.
Float - Title Car: United States and Modern Period
Slaughter House of Johannes Bechman
[New York State Supreme Court and Thurgood Marshall United States Courthouse.]
Twentieth Annual Banquet of the New York State Hotel Association
Bowling Green. United States Custom House.
Omnibuses [United States Hotel E. C. Purcell streetcar.]
Pacific Hotel