"Telegraphique," two-piece dress comprising bodice and skirt in navy blue wool
Evening dress in red silk taffeta
Coat in navy blue and white silk check
Ball gown in off-white organza and black lace overlay and ice blue silk taffeta
Dress in navy blue synthetic faille
Cocktail dress in light sea foam slipper satin
Strapless cocktail dress in cream silk with navy blue and red polka dots
Ball gown in light griege silk organza with iris embroidery
Suit in black wool faille comprising jacket and skirt
Two piece dress in royal blue wool cloqué
Dress and matching cardigan in navy blue cashmere and wool
Suit in beige silk shantung comprising suit and jacket
Two-piece dress in navy blue silk taffeta with cream foulard pattern
Day ensemble comprising charcoal gray wool flannel jacket and skirt, and yellow silk blouse
Coat in navy blue velour-finished wool with mirrored beige and brown bold paisely print
Evening coat of navy and pink cashmere and wool blend crepe with gilt embroidery and applied navy silk cord
Suit in unbleached shantung silk faille
Cocktail dress in black silk faille
Sailor-style dress in off-white organdy with applied bands of navy blue silk braid
Dress in beige and gold brocaded wool