Electric Cars [Madison & 4th Avenue to Post Office No. 11 streetcar with Thomson-Houston motor.]
Electric Cars [Madison & 4th Avenue to Post Office streetcar.]
Electric Cars [Madison & 4th Avenue to Post Office, Central Park No. 12 streetcar with Thomson-Houston motor.]
Electric Cars [Madison & 4th Avenue to Post Office No. 19 streetcar with Thomson-Houston motor.]
Electric Cars [Madison & 4th Avenue to Post Office, Central Park No. 19 streetcar with Thomson-Houston motor.]
Electric Cars [Streetcar with Westinghouse motor.]
Electric Cars [Covington and Cincinnati streetcar, Madison Avenue, with Short motor.]
Electric Cars [P.R. & P.P. Electric R.R. No. 2 streetcar with Edison motor.]
Electric Cars [Lebanon & Annville Street Railway No. 6 streetcar with Edison motor.]
Cable Cars [Grand Central Depot No. 205 streetcar, Central Park, 4th Avenue & Post Office.]
Closed Cars [Grand Central Depot streetcar, Madison & 4th Avenue to Astor Place.]
Electric Cars [Burlington Electric Railway No. 12 streetcar with Westinghouse motor.]
Electric Cars [Broadway streetcar No. 508, Battery to Harlem, with General Electric motor.]
Electric Cars [Steubenville Traction Company No. 10 streetcar with Westinghouse motor.]
Electric Cars [Burlington Electric Railway No. 20 streetcar with Westinghouse motor.]
Electric Cars [Dayton & Soldiers' Home streetcar No. 2 with Sprague motor.]
Electric Cars [Auburn City Railway No. 1 streetcar with Thomson-Houston motor.]
Electric Cars [Public Square No. 11 streetcar, Factory Square, Glen Park & Brownville, with Edison motor.]
Electric Cars [Public Square No. 5 streetcar, Factory Square, Glen Park & Brownville, with Edison motor.]